Replace the bits in yellow with your own variables:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Get the site context
$siteUrl = "<<Site Url>>"
$site = Get-SPSite $siteUrl
$context = Get-SPServiceContext $site
#Retrieve a list of all property mappings
function Get-Mappings ($context)
$upam = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileConfigManager($context)
$cm = $upam.ConnectionManager["<<Name of your UPA sync connection>>"]
$maps = $cm.PropertyMapping.GetEnumerator()
$maps | ForEach-Object{
$returnValue = @{
"Column" = $_.ProfileProperty.Name
"Mapping" = $_.DataSourcePropertyName
New-Object PSObject -Property $returnValue | Select ("Column", "Mapping")
#Create a new UserProfileConfigManager object
$upam = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileConfigManager($context)
#Get the core properties
$coreProps = $upam.ProfilePropertyManager.GetCoreProperties()
#Match the core properties to their coresponding mappings
function Get-CorePropsMapping ($coreProps, $maps)
foreach ($coreProp in $coreProps)
$map = $maps | Where-Object {$_.Column -eq $coreProp.Name}
$value = @{
"Column" = $coreProp.DisplayName
"Mapping" = $map.Mapping
New-Object PSObject -Property $value | Select ("Column", "Mapping")
#Call the get mappings function
$maps = Get-Mappings -context $context
#Call the CorePropsMapping function and output to a gridview
Get-CorePropsMapping $coreProps $maps | Out-GridView
This can be used if you should need to recreate the mapping or UPA service (...say if the User Profile Sync service is stuck starting.. for instance)